
Here are the results of the 6/13/2016 ABRA match. We had a nice day it was sunny with temperatures in the low 80's with switching winds. Black Swamp Rifle&Pistol Club Club Match 06/12/16 Unlimited # Tgts 3 ... Outdoor Place        Name                        Agg         Tgt 1   Tgt 2   Tgt 3    Total   Points    Agg+Pts   HOF 1st            Shaffer, Art            187.67     188      188       187        563       12        …



The weather on June 3 2016 made NWOBRS match a pure challenge with many shooters scratching their heads afterwards.  At the start of the match it was overcast and calm, witching to Sunny an breezy, then in-between the target change a rain shower  popped up, after that it cleared out to sunny and windy. All that to deal with, plus shooting …



 Last night we had a great time and a good turnout on the pistol match/league opening night. MIdway throught we had to hunker down as the rain came in, but after it cleared we had nice weather to finish in. Some of the best score we have seen since the beginning of the matchs. Results are as follows. Rimfire: ... …