NWOBRS Delphos Ohio Monthly centerfire benchrest match.
We had a great match today great weather 60 degrees light wind 25 shooters in attendance 21 unlimited 4 varmint. Lass. Here is the November Score match results, and shooter of the year points coverage. Congratulations to our winners today Unlimited 1st John Petteruti, 2nd Dennis Young, 3rd John Myers, 4th Roger Krouskop JR Varmint 1st Bob Saum, 2nd Bill Meyer 3rd Frank Baird.
The unlimited class 2023 shooter of the year is John Weldon
Varmint Class 2023 shooter of the year is Bill Meyer
Congratulations to all the winners and a great year. Next year is same schedule first Sunday of the month starting in April through November.
April 7th and November 3rd will be a 4 target score match. 2 targets at 100 yards and 2 Targets at 200 yards.
May 5th, July 7th and September 1st will be 100 yard group match 5 target aggregate.
June 2nd, August 4th and October 6th will be 200 yard group 5 target aggregate. Hope to see you there.