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range closed 4/16/2016 rom 2-4pm
Range will be closed on April 16 from 2-4 pm for concealed carry classes.
Announcements Spring of 2016
Just a few announcements: The annual spring range clean up and maintenance day is scheduled for April 9 2016 starting at 9:00 am and running until finished. Lunch will be provided, and there will be door prizes. This is a very important day, and all help is greatly appreciated, as there are many projects that need […]
2016 Match Schedules
The following match schedule has been added to the calendar, the range will be closed during the mentioned match’s. North West Ohio Benchrest Shooters Association: will host Centerfire Benchrest rifle match’s on the first Sunday of the month April through November. Gates open for set up at 10:00 am, and match starting time is 12:00 […]
NRA Range Safety Officer Course to be offered
Attention Members: Looking for individuals that would be interested in attending a NRA Certified Range officers Safety course. Cost of the course will be $50.00. If your interested please contact President Jim Harlan 419-203-3042
Yearly Meeting information Monday, January 18th, 2016
12/15/2016 ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: The yearly membership meeting will be on Monday, January 18th, 2016 at the Topp Chalet (229 W 5th St, Delphos, OH 45833) at 6:00pm. At this meeting there is a motion up for discussion and vote to ratify/change the current Charter/Constitution/By-laws of the Black Swamp Rifle and Pistols Club concerning term limits of […]
NWOBRS November match results
Such a great day for a match, with bright and sunny, calm conditions, that was misleading for the shooters in attendance. Temperature was 50 degrees with lights switching winds. Mirage was bad on some targets. Three shooters shot today and results are as follows. Rodger Krouskop shot an amazing match schooling everyone in attendance. and […]
Range closed on November 21, 2015 from 3-5pm
Range will be closed on November 21, 2015 from 3-5pm for concealed carry classes
State of Ohio Automatic Benchrest Association Championship 10/11/2015
Black Swamp Rifle and Pistol is proud to announce that we have been selected to host the 2015 ABRA’s ( Automatic Benchrest Association) Ohio State championship on October 11, 2015. Come join the fun as the top ABRA shooters from the State of Ohio and surrounding areas face off to lock horns in hopes to being crowned as Sate […]
The range will be closed on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 1pm to 4pm
Attention: The range will be closed on Saturday, October 10, 2015 from 1pm to 4pm, for Concealed Carry Classes. Sorry for the inconvenience.