Had a great day burgers provided by the Northwest Ohio Benchrest Shooters. Some of the best conditions seen and lots of small groups shot today. Next match is November 7th it will be a 100-200 yard score match. Hope to see you there.
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NWOBRS September 5th match
Great match today had a great turn out. Congratulations to Jim Esary, Roger Krouskop SR, John Myers, and Jay Fruth for unlimited wins congratulations to Jay Fruth, Bill Meyer, and Fred Moreo for varmint class win and Rachel Giese for smiley win. We welcome new shooter Noah Smallwood. Next match is 100 yard group in […]
Range closed on November 20,21,and 22 2017 for draining project
Please be advised that the range will be closed on Monday November 20- Wednesday the 22 2017 for a draining project for the pistol range. The range will reopen on Thursday Sorry for the inconvenience
Painting and other help needed
If you like to do painting we sure could use your help. Please contact Bill Schimmoeller (419) 303-1676 if your interested. We also have other projects that need done. Remember this is your club, and the way it looks depends on you.
Dedication of new Flag Pole and fallen members memorial 5/29/2017 10:00 am
If you haven’t noticed there has been a new Flag pole placed up at the range near the corner of the clubhouse. This Flag Pole is placed here for the memory of the members of the club that have passed away. On Monday 5/29-2017 Memorial day the club will dedicate this flag pole to the […]
2017 Pistol league information
We are still working on the pistol league schedule, the dates will be on the third Sunday of each month from April through October. We are proud to partner with Mercer County Sportsmen’s Association. (MCSA) We will rotate the hosting of these matchs between BSRPC and Mercer County Sportsmen’s Association Inc range #3 . the […]
Directors meeting outcome, and future changes to BSRPC
At the directors meeting held on 8/28/2016 many issues was discussed, and some changes will be coming soon: The most important issue that is concerning members, is that the club did an audit of the past 2015 financial year and it was discovered that equaled out to be $11.00 more per person than what is being brought […]
ABRA Rimfire Rifle Match Information
Automatic Bench Rest Association Matches at Black Swamp Rifle and Pistol Club in Delphos, Ohio. The matches will be held on the second Sunday of each month from April through November at 2:00 pm. Black Swamp Rifle and Pistol club (BSRPC) will be holding Automatic Bench Rest Association (ABRA) Sanctioned matches. These matches are for […]
Announcements Spring of 2016
Just a few announcements: The annual spring range clean up and maintenance day is scheduled for April 9 2016 starting at 9:00 am and running until finished. Lunch will be provided, and there will be door prizes. This is a very important day, and all help is greatly appreciated, as there are many projects that need […]
2016 Match Schedules
The following match schedule has been added to the calendar, the range will be closed during the mentioned match’s. North West Ohio Benchrest Shooters Association: will host Centerfire Benchrest rifle match’s on the first Sunday of the month April through November. Gates open for set up at 10:00 am, and match starting time is 12:00 […]