Beautiful day, 81 degrees real feel 86 degrees wind WNW 6 MPH 11 MPH max wind humidity 64% Congradulations to our Winners Unlimited 4th Doug Depweg, 3rd John Myers, 2nd Roger Krouskop JR, and 1st Carl Haunstein. Varmint 3rd Mark Haunstein, 2nd Rachel Giese, 1st Jay Fruth. Next match is 200 yard group Oct 6th 2024. […]
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NWOBRS November 5th 2023 match and 2023 Shooter of the year rankings.
NWOBRS Delphos Ohio Monthly centerfire benchrest match. We had a great match today great weather 60 degrees light wind 25 shooters in attendance 21 unlimited 4 varmint. Lass. Here is the November Score match results, and shooter of the year points coverage. Congratulations to our winners today Unlimited 1st John Petteruti, 2nd Dennis Young, 3rd […]
NWOBRS August 3 2023 100 yard group match
Great match
NWOBRS July 200 Yard Group match.

Great match today! We had 17 unlimited guns and 3 Varmint guns on the line today. Congratulations to Doug Depweg, Wayne Dodge,Jay Kline, and our unlimited class winner Carl Haunstein, congratulations to or Varmit Class winners Bod Duncan, Frank Baird and first place Bill Meyer. Next match is September 3rd this will be a 100 […]
July NWOBRS Match results.
North West Ohio Benchrest Shooters Black Swamp Rifle & Pistol Club Delphos North West Ohio. Great match filled all the bench’s and ate great with hamburgers, brats, nachos, beans, cake, and much more. We beat the rain, and any thunderstorms today, with mostly overcast day ending with bright and sunny. Muggy 82 degrees feels like […]
NWOBRS June 4 2023 200 yard match
Northwest Ohio Benchrest Shooters Association, Black Swamp Rifle & Pistol Club in Delphos Ohio. Absolutely one great match today! Beautiful day! It was a bit windy today with switching winds making for a super challenging day. Bright sun 82 degrees wind from the North East. We had 19 unlimited guns paying out 4 spots, and […]
May NWOBRS match
Great match great food great weather, and great friends. Congratulations to our winners next match June 4th 200 yard group.
NWOBRS April 16th 2023
NWOBRS April 16th 2023 Match
NWOBRS 2023 schedule
Northwest Ohio Benchrest Shooters 2023 match dates. April 16th Season opener 100 and 200 yard score match. May 7th 100 yard group match. June 4th 200 yard group match. July 2nd 100 yard group match. August 6th 200 yard group match. September 3rd 100 yard group match October 1st 200 yard group match. November 5th […]
NWOBRS September Match
It was a great day the rain held off for the majority of the match and temperatures were in the low 80’s. Had 20 shooters, 2 Varmint class and 18 Unlimited. Great groups were shot, and lots of food was served from Hamburgers, Pretzels, and popcorn as well as other things. Thank you for all that came […]