In an effort to save money the Club has elected to switch over to a digital newsletter system rather than printing and mailing them. The cost to the club to mail out a newsletter to all of our members typically runs in the neighborhood of $400 per mailing, not to mention the time spent printing […]
Club Secretary Richard “Stimpy” Kohli Passes
It is with the deepest regret that I announce the passing of our club Secretary and Treasurer, Richard “Stimpy” Kohli. Dick served four years as the club Secretary & Treasurer and a wealth of knowledge was lost with his passing. Our condolences and sympathies go out to his wife Penny and their children with the […]
NWOBRS and ABRA Matches Cancelled Due To Flooding
The NWOBRS and ABRA matches scheduled for Sunday June 14 were cancelled due to severe flooding at the range. Heavy storms in the area over the past several days have saturated the ground leaving nowhere for additional water to go. Jennings Creek has also escaped it’s banks and is running over Pohlman Road just east […]
No Turnout for June Pistol Match Due to Impending Weather
Impending bad weather kept shooters from coming out for the June 7th pistol matches. As a result board members Bill Truman, Fred Moreo and Pat Kennedy, along with myself took this opportunity to move two of the concrete benches to the pistol house to replace the two worn wooden benches. Two more benches were place […]